Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is The Church Racist??

What do you think??? Do you think the church is racist??

Our church, The Journey Church , has been doing an amazing series over these past three weeks. The series is called FAQ otherwise known as Frequently AVOIDED Questions. I have to tell you that I have been anxiously awaiting this last sermon in this series! It was called Is the Church Racist? Being a mixed couple Alya and I have definitely had our fair share of racial remarks about our relationship. I was really really excited about this message because I just felt that FINALLY someone had enough guts to talk about this topic in the church. I STRONGLY encourage you to check out this link and watch this sermon online. Our pastor is a really amazing speaker and I promise you won't regret the time it took to watch it.

Go HERE and just click on the previous series button to the right of the screen. Find the series that says "FAQ" and click on the week three series towards the bottom of the screen called "Is The Church Racist?". Leave some comments down at the bottom and share what you thought about it.


  1. i know what you mean!! i'll watch the video later tonight when i have a chance :))

  2. yea! let me know what you think!

  3. on the adoption journey too - friend of Kristie's as well. Enjoyed your post. Realized I am hearing things with new ears now that we will become an inter-racial family. Thanks for posting. Hope to check in again soon!

  4. Linds, I will watch this vid after this writing this. Thank you. This is such an important topic. My husband wrote about our interracial marriage, Christianity, and the Bible on my blog. Plz read if you can, and I would love your comment. Thanks. God bless you.

  5. Awesome! Powerful! The Church needs to cross over every barrier of hate. And racism is a great evil, always has been. I'm glad to hear this sermon, this was addressed very well indeed. Thanks Linds for sharing the link.
