So much has happened since my last few posts of Josiah’s first weeks home with us. Man, those were such precious moments that I will forever hold in my heart. He looks so small in those pictures compared to how big he is now! He will be three months old on Monday … umm excuse me whaaat? Three months old!?!?! How in the world did that happen already? Getting to the day where we FINALLY got to hold him for the first time took FOREVER and EVER and EVER! And now time is going by so incredibly fast! He has gained such a little personality now. He smiles all the time and his little cheesy grin melts my heart every single time.
We have been so blessed by our little man! He has been such a good baby. He hardly ever fusses unless he's hungry or just wants some extra lovin (which of course I am willing to give!) He slept through the night last Friday for the first time and has almost made it a full week of sleeping through the night until last night. But I would say six straight nights is pretty dang good for a 2 month old! :0)
We just found out this past Wednesday that the TPR hearing went well and the judge approved it .... so now we are on our way to finalization! We are still trying to some how come up with the last bit of our adoption fund before we get to that date! We had a big event planned before we even brought Josiah home that was supposed to happen in March and bring in the rest of our needed money, but that kind of blew up in our faces. We don't really know where we are going to go from here. The reason why we even committed to the first adoption that fell through and then also with Josiah's was because we were depending on this event taking place. So, now we are back at square one. We still need over $5,000 before finalization to occur. Being able to fundraise now is even harder than it was before Josiah was here. Alya and I are still working full time and he is also going to school at night plus now taking care of our little man's needs. It's hard to find the time and energy to devote to fundraising ... which leads to stress and frustration. I'm trying to stay positive and keep the faith that God is going to provide. And I know he will ... some how. Yesterday one of my parents sent me a sweet card with $100 in it for Josiah's adoption fund ... I almost lost it in front of all my kids. Just when I start to give up God brings someone into my life that provides that gift of hope again.
Well enough of that fundraising talk ... none of us like that word anyways ... here are some more pictures of my handsome little man!
Josiah was helping mommy cook dinner and fell asleep ... must have been hard work!
my boys taking a nap together
I was helping Alya pull weeds in the front yard and Josiah fell asleep on my lap
little grin :0)
I love this little boy!
Summer break is just weeks away and I seriously CAN. NOT. WAIT. to spend the whole summer with Josiah! I've had to work the past two summers so I am super excited about having this summer off ... and nothing could make it better than being able to spend it with my SON! We are planning a trip to Ohio in July which I am so looking forward to! None of my family have even been able to meet Josiah yet except my mom so it will be a big celebration! Hurry up summer time! And hopefully with the summer coming I will be able to update my blog more. I really love being able to post things frequently but just haven't had the TIME to do it. Maybe with summer vacation I will. :0) My new life as a mommy has been simply wonderful! I am so in love and happy right now!