Friday, April 23, 2010

Ramblings & Doctor Visits

Our AC is out this week. sigh ... we have only lived in this brand new house for 2.5 years and it is already broken. Thank the Lord my husband works in this trade and can fix it in no time ... however, we still had to wait all week for a part to come in. :0( It's been hot, hot, hot down here in Florida this week.

Our dog Buddy is not enjoying it at all either.

Onto other ramblings .....
I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED about this new site that I found thanks to my addiction of reading blogs! Jenn posted this link on her blog where you can actually make your blog into a book! How awesome is that!? I can't wait until our adoption story gets going a little more so that I can print it out!

I am also very excited about two new necklaces that I want to get soon! If you know me, then you also know my addiction to fun jewelry. And if you know me very well, you also know that I have my jewelry separated according to color. lol. :0) So, if you love jewelry as much as I do ... then you must check out these sites! Thanks again to being addicted to reading blogs I have found two amazing necklaces that I can't wait to make my own! The first one is for a very good cause ... I have been addicted to reading Katie's blog and I found this necklace. You should buy one too! The second one I found reading Amy's blog and she listed an etsy page with beautiful jewelry!

This week seems to be the week of doctor visits. Its been a long time since I've had to go, so it seemed kind of weird to make so many appointments all in the same week. So I finally made it to the doctor to get my foot looked at. I have several planters warts on the bottom of my heel and I really really hate them. I have never ever in my life had a wart, and they definitely gross me out lol. I have to come back several times to get them frozen off. I've had it done before, but my God this time hurt soooo much worse than the first. I have never in my life been in such pain after having something done to me. It's been three days now, and I still look like a gimp as I walk around. I have been walking around on my tip-toes all week and now my calf is screaming "I HATE YOU!" at me lol. One of my students stepped on my foot today, and I nearly lost it! It's so hard to hold in screams and not so nice words when you are in major pain and in the presence of a child haha. It was a total accident, and I know she felt bad ... she was only trying to give me a hug. :0)

My second appointment was to the OBGYN. It's been a couple of years since I've been (bad me) but I figured that I had been poked and prodded enough while we were looking into fertility treatment that I didn't need to go. Honestly the only real reason why I wanted to go was to ask her about the possibility of breast feeding our adopted baby. I had seen this occur on "The Baby Story" and have also read up on it online a little bit. She gave me the number to a lactation consultant to give me more information in this area. I called her this evening and left a message, so hopefully she will call me back soon. I know that some people might think that it's odd for me to want to breastfeed a child that I didn't actually birth. But, you know ... I don't really care what other people might think about it. To me, it's something beautiful. I'm not doing it just because it is healthier for my baby, I'm doing it more for the bonding time I will have with our baby. I have always wanted to breast feed my own children. You can even ask my mom ... I used to walk around pretending to breast feed my baby dolls when I was a little girl. lol. I didn't get to choose whether or not I wanted to have my own child ... but I can choose to do this. I am excited about being able to share this special time with my baby. I am pretty sure that it is going to be a lot of work, and may even be hard ... but I am really praying that I will get to share this special time with our little miracle.

I have been thinking lately about how Alya and I just kind of quit mid stream of fertility treatments. I think that I was at a very fragile stage when we decided to go that route, and I just simply couldn't go any further. I mean they told us that the reason we weren't getting pregnant was because of Alya ... but we never went the next step further to see why that was. I mean, what if there is just a blockage and a simple procedure that can fix that? In a way I kind of wish that we would have kept going a little bit more, but in reality I think that we made the right decision. There was no way that I would have survived if we would have kept pushing. God wasn't leading us that way yet, I was trying to do things my way ... and we all know how well that works out! Throughout that whole process I did discover that my left tube is completely blocked. I will forever hate the procedure I had to have done to tell us that ... however at least we know. I really want to get it unblocked, but I still have to pay $1,000 after my insurance is done paying for what they cover. YUCK! So ... I asked my OBGYN if she thought that having it done without an infertility label would be cheaper. I have been having pains midway through the month that I have never felt before. The pain is so bad it takes my breath away and brings me down to the ground. I am supposed to go in for a sonogram on Monday morning to see if there might be a cyst there causing me pain. If there is, and if it needs to be taken care of she said that they might be able to take care of the blocked tube at the same time. Now, I'm not wanting something else to be wrong with me but I would like to get my tube unblocked without costing an arm and a leg! I will post more after my appointment on Monday.

I feel really happy. I haven't said that in a long long long time ... but it's true. I just feel so much peace and that is the BEST feeling ever! It's funny because nothing is really even going on right now. We are not any further in our adoption journey than we have already been .. but I just feel so much peace about this situation right now that I'm just sitting back enjoying the ride. I think God has been waiting on me to do that for a long time. I still get so many emails and comments encouraging us along this journey, and I am so thankful for the love and support we have gotten so far. Those little comments mean more than you can ever imagine. So thank you for the love and encouragement! Keep it coming ... those words help us out on the days that are tough. :0)


  1.'ve had a lot going on this week! Praying that your appointment on Monday goes well!

    Wish y'all lived closer to us...I'd give Alya some business! Our AC is acting funny...thinking this will be the summer we'll have to do something with it. BUT...we've lived in this house for 11 years (not a new house) and it's NEVER given us trouble. And we've had lots of hot summer days!


  2. Living closer would be great ... I'll just fly him on over. :0) Hope that it doesn't quit on you ... AC repairs are very expensive. But when you live in a hot state you're usually wiling to pay just about anything to have a cool house. lol Thanks for the prayers!
