Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Wait Continues ...

sigh ....

I really wish I had some super exciting news to share.


I don't. :0(

I ended up emailing our agency yesterday and I was hoping that might tip her off to giving me an update ... however, I didn't get an email back today.


Tomorrow will be the 3rd week mark of when we first got "The Call" ... wow. I mean it seems like each day drrrrrraaaaaaggggggs by so slowly, but I kind of can't believe it's already been three weeks!

My heart is still feeling anxious after my last update with our agency. Don't they know this being out of the loop thing is insanely hard!?!?! lol

I know that I just need to be still ... I know I just need to put all of my faith in God .... and I promise I've been really really good (at least I think so) at doing that. It's just those little moments where scary thoughts pop up and fill your head with negative thoughts. Reminders of past broken hearts that creep back up and fill my head with the idea that a broken heart could be happening all over again.


I am doing my VERY VERY VERY best to not think about those things. I'm doing my very best to have a positive mindset. I'm doing my very best to TRUST! And I have been just so super excited I can't hardly stand myself. The not knowing part is super hard though. The waiting is kind of the same as telling a 2 year old to stand still for five hours *or really just for 5 minutes*. It's kind of impossible really ....

We just found out this week that we will be going to my parents house (they live in Louisiana) for Thanksgiving. I'm super excited about getting to spend the holiday with family. I miss living close to my family ... especially during crazy amazing things that are going on in our lives right now. My parents actually live closer to where Amiah will be born than we do ... so how cool would it be to be able to go pick up our little miracle while we are at grandma and grandpa's house!?!?! (side note: mom & dad you need some cool grandparent names ... you should prob. get on that!)

So ... we continue to wait. If I don't hear back from our agency by tomorrow that means I have to wait until NEXT WEEK! eeeeek! So ... keep praying with us friends!


  1. Hi sweet friend - I am praying continually! I would tell you to relax, but it's just good in theory, right! I'm stressing with (and for) you! Here's a bit of news that may give you hope though, Thanksgiving is a very lucky day - we got Kate last year on Thanksgiving! Enjoy your trip! K

  2. We are keeping you in our prayers... I cannot evan imagine how hard all this has been for you two.
