Saturday, January 29, 2011

It Could Be Happening Tonight!

I need some urgent prayers sent our way right now! Our bmom just sent me a message saying that she was having contractions 10 min apart and now they are at 8. She is only 35 weeks .... please pray for our little man and his bmomma right now. As much as I would love love love to see him ... it's too soon and I want him to be able to bake for a little longer. :0) Please pray for both .... that they would both be healthy throughout this.

Also right at this moment Alya's mom is being sent to the hospital because her kidneys are failing. We really need all the prayers that we can get right now.


And I'll get you updated!


  1. AAAHHH!! Keep us posted. Praying for your sweet one and birthmom. HUGS, my friend! It is ALL in His hands.
    In Him,
