Wednesday, January 26, 2011

While We Wait, We Decorate!

We moved in some of the furniture into the nursery today. It is not even close to really being done. We have a super exciting thing that we are going to be adding to the wall ... hoping that can get done by this weekend. (and that it turns out as cute as I'm envisioning!) We also still have curtains to add ... because the ones I bought already were too short. bummer. I also need to get a rug, and add up some other decorations that we have made. But .... all that being said here is a little preview of how the room is coming together. I am LOVING all the colors coming together. It just makes me super happy. :0)

We had this in the girly room but we just switched out the pink cube to an orange one :0)

Also the same rocking chair ... just changed out the pink pillow for the new polka dot one that I made.

We are starting to stack up on diapers and then we still have that giant "J" to paint and add to the wall.

I did get a little update today ... our bmom was able to talk to her doctor and he gave a thumbs up to inducing her! YAY! I still don't know the actual date yet ... that is TBD, but I'm glad that he is supporting the idea. :0) So we are looking at the end of February or beginning of March. :0)

While we are waiting, I am having sooo much fun being crafty and decorating. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do this sort of thing. It's so fun to come home and work on a new project. Stay tuned for more pics ...


  1. everything looks sooo good! i love it. the colors go great together. i am really digging the orange! Josiah is going to love his room!

    can't wait for more pics! def. will be using this for inspiration for the future! :)

  2. Hi again. I just commented on another post, sending prayers your way. I wanted ot comment here also. K and I are starting to talk about putting together the guest room as a nursery. I am trying to get used to the idea that once someone starts an adoption plan they are considered "expecting", and I am a BIG fan of nesting and decorating, just like you. While you seem to be much further along in your journey, we are way at the beginning of ours. I want to remind you that there are others out there who understand. (and remind myself, too, it has bee a hard couple of days emotionally) So, keep decorating that adorable nursery. And I am praying for you.
