Sunday, January 30, 2011

False Alarm

It seems like it may have just been a false alarm since her contractions are now subsiding a bit. Please keep praying though ... I am super excited about the idea of holding him in my arms soon, but I want him to have as much time to develop and be born as healthy as possible.

I was literally tearing through my house trying to grab things together in case we would need to leave. I'm sure it was a pretty sight lol. Now that the craziness has calmed down a bit I am thinking that I MUST make up a list of things that I need to make sure that I have before we leave to meet our baby boy so that I don't forget anything. I am a list maker slash packed three weeks a head of time type of girl so this last minute running around was making my heart beat a little too fast I think. I was definitely feeling overwhelmed to say the least. I'm glad that everything seems to have calmed down for a bit and will hopefully stay like that for another couple of weeks. You better believe that his car seat is going in the car TOMORROW! And I need to look for some newborn outfits ASAP so my baby doesn't come home naked!

Things with Alya's mom have gotten worse since just the few hours ago that I posted. She is in the hospital and has fainted several times because she can't breathe. It's midnight here and Alya just left to go over there and see her. Please pray for safety of my husband while he drives over to the hospital. I know that he is already exhausted and very stressed. Today has been a very crazy day and I'm ready for it to be over with.

Keep praying sweet friends and I'll keep you updated. :0)

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