Monday, October 11, 2010

Sometimes ...

Sometimes I still get jealous of how easy it is for some people.

No, I wouldn't change this journey for anything.

And I still feel blessed that we have been chosen for this crazy adventure.

But, sometimes ... it would be nice to not have to fight so hard.

Sometimes it would be nice to be given a CRAZY AMAZING blessing without even having to try.

But sometimes that doesn't happen ... and that's the place we are in right now.

And it's still a blessing. But it's still hard.

I want this more than anything ... but some days the waiting is painful.

I'm ready for the day where I cry more happy tears than painful ones.

I know that day is coming soon ... so soon ...

But sometimes I need to just be real with how I'm feeling.

And in this second of time,

my arms are aching ... and I just want to hold my baby tight.

I've learned that sometimes the waiting is hard.

And sometimes the waiting is painful.

That sometimes in the waiting tears are shed.

But in the end God is Always glorified.

And another orphan will find a home.

Until then ... sometimes it might be hard ...

but I'll continue to hang on to the hope.

And I'll continue to hang onto the faith that my Father knows my heart.


  1. i am praying for you. i wish i could say more but sometimes knowing that people are praying for you is enough.

  2. I know, all too well, how you feel. Especially with the holidays coming up. I can pictures myself saying, "Next year will be different."

    Praying for you and waiting, too!


  3. Aw! I know what you are feeling! I know the intense longing for a baby in your arms!! It is intense, but it will happen! I KNOW it will happen! Praying for you! Kelly (hugs)

  4. I will pray for you. Let me share that my sister have five miscarriaged but she felt in her heart that the Lord was going to bless her. Everyone told her to give up and just be happy with her husband but in her heart she felt God would bless her some how.

    It was DURING the waiting period that God was preparing her and pruning her so when the blessing finally came she knew how to appreciate the blessing. Waiting can be a blessing in disguise.

  5. Praying for you!! One day you WILL be able to look back at this time of waiting...

  6. I stumbled upon this and I'm so glad that my babies' are being led by followers of Jesus. Thank you. I will pray that God continues to bless you & yours in abundance. Reading your words on this, it really planted a seed in my heart. Just waiting on God's timing for your life and wanting to feel joy is sometimes unbearable. I understand that, but in a different way as I could have lost 2 of my kiddos as they almost lost me 3 years ago. Thank you for your words of encouragement. <3
