Thursday, October 7, 2010

Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork!

I feel like I'm about to go cross-eyed with all the paperwork that I have been filling out over the last few months. Honestly more like the past two years, with first all the foster care stuff we had to complete, then the homestudy update and now onto our real adoption agency. I just mailed out a copy of our homestudy update to Catholic Charities last Friday. We had to fax in a release form for them to get some other documents that they needed from the agency who did our update. We just got an email on Wednesday night with 20 more documents that they needed completed! 20 more! sigh .... so I sat down right then and there and completed EVERY dang blank line there was to fill out before my procrastination set it. I went to work today only to find another email with two more items that we need to fill out and have notarized. I'm hoping to get those completed in the morning so that I can mail off this crazy package of documents to our agency tomorrow. The frustrating part is that they are wanting copies of the EXACT same papers that we had to give to the agency that did our homestudy update so I don't really understand why they can't just get copies from them ... but they can't .... so I had to go digging into our files for all of the documents again. Can I just say that I AM SO READY FOR THE PAPERWORK STAGE TO BE OVER!?!? I told Alya last week after having to fax in 2 documents and paying $8 for it that we probably should have invested in a fax machine that the beginning of this adoption journey lol. We have spent more money faxing things than I care to even think about! So for all of you who are at the beginning stages of adopting I strongly encourage looking into purchasing a cheap fax machine lol.

We are currently partnering up with another organization at our church to host a golf tournament in January to help raise some money for our adoption. I'm super excited about the amazing things that could come from this event .... even though I know not a thing about the sport lol. There is still so much more to plan and go on with that, but we are really at the beginning stages so there really isn't much to post about that right now.

Although we are still having to turn in some paperwork we were told that we will still have our profile book shown to birth mothers ... so honestly we could get the call ANY DAY! Gosh that scares me lol. I know that God's got this all taken care of ... but being totally real right now ... I have to admit that I am scared that we are going to get the call before we have a chance to raise all of our money ... what do we do then? This is when I have to completely not even think about ANYTHING at all or I will just fret over the what if's of this whole process and literally make myself ill. So ... here's me attempting to forget about the craziness going on in our life right now. ;0)

This past week I've just had a chance to kind of have some time to try and process how crazy big this time in our life is right now. And just how much I really really want this. How adoption has grown so much in my heart I can't even imagine it never being apart of me before. How if anything came in the way of us adopting now that we are so close I would be completely heart broken. It just all became very real to me how my heart has changed over the last couple of years. How I never thought my heart would stop yearning for a child of my own. And although I believe that desire will always be there ... it's not taking the #1 spot in my heart right now. I WANT to adopt more than anything ... and I already can't wait for the next adoption adventure God is going to take us on after we meet our first little miracle. We are seriously blessed beyond words ... and I am forever thankful for the beautiful journey God has us on right now.

1 comment:

  1. this post just made me happy. minus all the annoying paperwork ... it is bringing you one step closer to your little one. this is so exciting. God has such huge things in store for you ... and the way he works, you will have everything (money)in place when the time rolls around.

    i am so excited for you and can't wait until you post about going to pick your little one up.

    it is getting so close. i know you can feel it.
