Thursday, October 21, 2010

We Got The ....

We got the first email today from our adoption agency saying that our profile had been shown to a birth mother. Apparently it was shown ONE MONTH AGO lol and the birth mother is supposed to choose the adoptive parents for her baby next week! I know nothing about this particular child ... except that it's due December 1st. Our agency said that a lot of adoptive couples don't want to know if their profile is looked at unless it is chosen. But I let her know that I would like to know every time! lol ... just more prayers can go up that way! :0)


So ... being real here ... I can't help but feel SUPER excited ... but totally freaked out all at the same time lol. I'm not really getting my hopes up (because we've already been through calls like this a million times) but the thing that I'm freaked out about is that we don't have all of our money raised yet. And that is the very reason why we have had to say no to other phone calls about potential matches. It bums me out soooo much to say no. Just pray for us friends ... I'm just praying that if this isn't the baby for us that doors would be immediately closed. And if it is .... that the money tree someone has in their back yard will start dropping some of its leaves in our adoption fund lol.

Exciting news ... just means that we are getting even closer! What's funny is that the last post that I wrote just last night was about our babies birth mother ... funny how I wrote that because I couldn't sleep and was up at 1am on a school night. Guess my heart was heavy for a reason.

sigh .... :0)


  1. Linds, I've been following your blog for a little while but haven't commented until now. First of all, allow yourself to have HOPE! :) So many told me not to get my hopes up and to an extent that is true, but our God is a God of Hope... and as long as it is in His will, it's all good! Secondly, we only had a third of our money raised when we were matched. God provided! We had to turn in $30,000 in 4 days. We only had raised $10,000 - but we borrowed against a retirement account to make it happen. Please look into all available options if you haven't already, including these 403b's that you can borrow against. And thirdly - God is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider! Claim that promise today! Praying for you harder than EVER. :)

  2. AHHHHHH! Jumping up and down!!! How exciting!! Praying, praying, praying for you! xoxoxoxox

  3. Praying!! Keep trusting in the Lord's most perfect timing!!

  4. Yay, wow, exciting, ahhh!!! Praying, praying, praying!!!
